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Signs You Need Basement Wall Crack Repair

Have you taken a close look at your basement walls lately? After the rain and cold weather this winter season, it may be time to check them out. Cracks in your basement walls are a serious issue that needs taken care of before it turns into structural damage that can make your home unsafe. Do you know what your options are for basement wall crack repair?

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Causes of Basement Wall Cracks

Cracks in basement walls can be serious or may not mean much at all. When a house is built, it’s expected to settle. This can cause small cracks, less than the width of the edge of a penny. These cracks are usually nothing to worry about. However, if you have a large crack in the wall, one that keeps growing, or bowing/leaning walls, this is a serious problem that needs fixed as soon as possible by a qualified professional.

Basement wall cracks that need fixed right away are usually caused by hydrostatic pressure on the foundation walls, frost heave, or improperly compacted soil upon original construction. Hydrostatic pressure is when water in the soil puts pressure against the foundation walls. This can be due to poor drainage or heavy rains, and it causes cracks or bowing/leaning walls.

Frost heave occurs when the soil freezes and thaws or becomes wet and dry again and again. Soil will then push against the foundation unequally and raise certain parts while keeping others the same. Lastly, if care was not taken to properly compact the soil beneath your foundation before construction, there may be major settling and shifting which can cause immediate structural damage, cracking, and other problems.

Basement Wall Crack Repair Options

While an expert at Basement Authority of West Virginia will be able to recommend the right option for your specific situation through their inspection, there are several ways that basement wall crack repair is performed. These include wall anchors and many other options depending on what the cracks are caused by. Wall anchors are great for walls that are bowing or leaning. These are affordable and quick to install, and they will solve issues of a leaning/bowing foundation. After this, the cracks present will need to be patched and covered. However, they will not pose the problem that they once did.

If you see cracks in your home, it’s time to call Basement Authority of West Virginia for an inspection. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and foundation repair is not something you should ever wait on. Call us today and get started on basement wall crack repair.

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